Office Carpet & Rug

Office Carpet & Rug

Keeping your carpet and rugs clean can be tough if you use the wrong cleaner or spotter. If you are doing carpet extraction or just small area carpet spotting Cleanstuff has a selection of the best carpet and rug cleaning products on the market.

  • RX 66 Bio Enzymatic Odor Digester Quart (Large Image) RX 66 Bio Enzymatic Odor Digester Gallon (Large Image)

    Airx RX 66 Bio-Enzymatic Odor Digester

    Airx Labs

    $12.95 - $136.95
    RX 66 is a synergistic blend of specialized strains of live, but safe-to-use bacteria, bacteria chosen for their ability to produce enzymes that will digest organic matter that causes foul odors. There are good bacteria and there are bad bacteria. The...
    $12.95 - $136.95
  • Jetclean Quart Jetclean Quart



    $12.95 - $141.95
    Featuring the same Stay Clean soil resistant technology, Jetclean is for spotting and the quick cleaning of entire carpets and carpet areas that are not so dirty as to require deep cleaning. Jetclean makes it a lot easier and much faster to clean carpets...
    $12.95 - $141.95